Polystyrene Boxes

African Box works offers a range of off -the – shelf polystyrene boxes and are available in a variety of different sizes. Used with the proper amount of frozen gel ice packs polystyrene boxes will help maintain the required temperature and extend shipping time.

ABW-BERRYBERRY BOX & LID – SHALLOW12400 / 300 / 110365 / 265 / 95
ABW-BERRYDPBERRY BOX & LID – SHALLOW12401 / 302 / 161367 / 269 / 138
ABW-FISHB/10FISH BOX 10 KG8600 / 400 / 150550 / 350 / 120
ABW-FISHB/20FISH BOX 20 KG – SHALLOW5800 / 400 / 180735 / 340 / 130
ABW-FISHB/20DEEPFISH BOX 20 KG – DEEP5670 / 350 / 270620 / 300 / 220
ABW-FISHB/30FISH BOX 30 KG2920 / 470 / 300860 / 400 / 200
ABW-8LTCOOLER BOX – 8 Lt18360 / 240 / 188280 / 178 / 155
ABW-22LTCOOLER BOX – 22 Lt6473 / 297 / 326413 / 237 / 266
ABW-COOL6-PACK COOLER BOX – NO ROPE18260 / 180 / 205235 / 158 / 135
ABW-COOL/R6-PACK COOLER BOX – WITH ROPE18260 / 180 / 205235 / 158 / 135
ABW-COOLDP6-PACK DEEP COOLER BOX – NO ROPE18260 / 180 / 255235 / 158 / 135
ABW-COOLDP/R6-PACK DEEP COOLER BOX – WITH ROPE18260 / 180 / 255235 / 158 / 135
ABW-MUSH/1WMUSHROOM BOX – 1KG40342 / 200 / 135